#015 Barbapapa mini PEZ Character X Facebook Hatena Bookmark Pocket LINE Copy 2005.05.272008.06.14 Barbapapa is the character for the books in France. Release Date : 2005/05 Barbazoo : Blue Stem Barbamama : Pink Stem Barbapapa : Green Stem Barbabright : Orange Stem Barbabeau : Yellow Stem Egg Container : Pink/Pink Pez Candy : Orange
je voudrai savoir ou je peux commander les pez barbapapa svp merci
Where can I buy this set?
Thanks a lot
je les ai vus sur un site japonais
I have seen them on a japanese website
They are very nice, very nice collection, congratulations, PeterPez59
Where can I order this item: #015 Barbapapa mini PEZ ?
Waiting for your answer !
Best regards,
Martina Taschinger
I am sorry, I don’t have #015 Barbapapa mini PEZ.
They are hard to find now.
Probably, on ebay?
Thank you and take care,